Wednesday 3 October 2012

o it difficult for me

 This is our last module but i am very tense ...may be the module before this was not technology dependent .I was quite use to how to use e mail ..browse journals but this time i am really down ,, I do not know what to do specially all my good friends of MPhil are away from me ....I do not know ,how to ask them for help.....If any one of you can help please help me


  1. Dear Muhammad, seeing that you have managed to write this post and publish it, I KNOW that you will be able to do this module :) I also saw that you commented on your own post, so the comments are also "done and dusted".

    The feeling of isolation and being unsure of technology is natural and should not be discounted. This is why I like using the Soundcloud to make voice recordings. It feels like one is less alone if you hear someone's voice.

    As with eating an elephant (small bites at a time!) one should just keep going. The most important thing to do now is getting comfortable with posting and commenting on the blogs, and finding a learning problem that you think can be solved with an e-Learning tool/ service.

    Once one has a tangible example/ thing to do, it becomes easier to focus one's attention on doing it.

    Please ask us if there are any specific things we can help with. And good luck!

  2. Hullo, Muhammad, just think of a learning need in your current work situation with your students that can be solved 9some how) by e-learning, some sort of a learning needs assessment.


  3. Hi Muhammad!

    You need not feel alone, my friend, as I am also wading my way through this 'new' technology. But since I have managed to get to where we are now from where I started off at the beginning of last year, I believe this, too, will be mastered ... albeit
    E V E N T U A L L Y!

    As JP says, just keep blogging.

    Lets do the Soundcloud-thing ... have you registered already? I think it will become easier once you vocalise what you think and feel, and you listen to someone else experiencing the same questions.

    And remember: there is no such thing as a "wrong" blog ... say what you think and ask if you don't know - I reckon this is a preciuos opportunity for us 'old dogs' (speaking strictly for myself here!) to learn - and master - new tricks!

    Good luck ... and look out for me on Soundcloud over the weekend!


    1. Hi Muhammed, did you think of something to do as we talk now?


  4. Hi Muhammad!

    Where are you - still not sure which way to go?

    Think about your students/ clinical assistants : What do you do with them regarding their training/ learning ...?

    If I can come up with a topic, so can you, my friend! Post something - that already makes it easier to get the grey stuff going on the topic.

    Surprise yourself - you can!

    Waiting ... :)


  5. Woow! Muhammad, I really need to hear from you. Have you got a head start now? You could share with us. I have learnt alot from what I see on the blogs and at least feel a little connected with the rest.


  6. Hi Muhammad!

    Please say something?! I've contacted JP when I had some questions and he was very helpful. Don't hesitate, it's not too late!

    Share your ideas online and we'll help you!

